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Mama Sheepadoodle

How to train a Sheepadoodle to sit.

Would you believe that as of 10/14/22 we have FOUR perfect sheepadoodles who are ready to go home anytime? They're just waiting for their perfect family! My kids and I have been really enjoying spending extra time with these guys! Check out this video to see the puppies and to see how we train the puppies to sit!

You'll notice in the video my daughter is training one of our sheepadoodle puppies to sit in order to get attention. This isn't something we set out to do, but happened naturally in her interaction with the puppies. I think it's important to realize that we are always training our puppies, even when we aren't having an official training session. If your puppy jumps up on you and nips you and you give him/her a big hug and pet him, he just learned that jumping and nipping is a great way to get attention. While this is really cute and harmless when your puppy is young, this presents some major problems when your pup is a full grown 55 pound adult and Granny comes over for the holidays. :-D It's important to look at each behavior your puppy offers and decide if that behavior will be good for a full grown dog. If it wont be, don't reward it!

In order to train our puppies to sit for attention we do exactly what my daughter did in the video. When the puppy jumps up we gently raise our knee. The pup is trying to get some love and attention, a raised knee is not what he wants! There is no need to be forceful. Simply raising the knee will be enough of a deterrent for most pups that they will re-think their approach. Raising your knee may cause your pup to be slightly off balance, and if you're lucky this will prompt him to sit to recover and reconsider how to get some lovings. As soon as his rump hits the ground praise him in a high voice, bend over, pet him, hug him and kiss him! Make a scene! Pay attention for the next five minutes or so and repeat a huge display of affection every time your puppy sits down. Pretty soon he'll connect the dots and he will start coming up to you and sitting in order to get your attention!

There is much to be said for formal training, and set training times. But there is also a lot to be said for just always being on the lookout and "training" your dog all day, everyday. Everyone's definition of a great dog is slightly different. My mom always makes her dogs sit back about six feet from the food bowl while she fills it and then releases them to eat. I really don't care if my dogs have their face in the bowl while I'm filling it. But whatever makes a dog great to you is what you should focus on in your training. Do you open the door a dozen times a day for delivery drivers and you need to make sure your Sheepadoodle doesn't dart out when that happens? Train him to sit and stay when the door bell rings or there is a knock at the door. Do you love it when a dog sets their head in your lap while you're eating breakfast?? Reward your pup with love and affection or a tidbit of food for coming to see you while you eat. What makes your sheepadoodle perfect for you is very individual. Don't be afraid to shape your perfect pup! Above all, your Sheepadoodle wants to see you happy, so teach them how to make you happy!

I hope the above perspective was helpful as you work on training your Sheepadoodle!

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